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Stop Porn

The first movement to take a stance against the consumption of pornography is the NoFap community. That’s a movement originally started in June 2011 by Alexander Rhodes, after a Reddit discussion that highlighted the results from a Chinese study on men’s testosterone levels.

The study found that men that don’t masturbate experience a 45.7% increase in their total testosterone levels.

As you might imagine, this information got a lot of people excited, as boosting your testosterone can bring a multitude of health benefits, including better results in the gym (more strength and muscle gains).

Other studies have also noted the positive effect that testosterone has on focus and mental clarity (aka “the absence of brain fog”), which are two important factors when it comes to academic success and being able to accomplish your work tasks with a high degree of quality.

If you are interested in more information on the “stop porn” subject, these are all of the posts currently available in the category:

  • 27 NoFap Benefits to Supercharge Your Manliness
    You know the old proverb, “a man has as many masters as he has vices”? That is true on a profound level. It staggers me when I see how many people are ...
  • Depression as a Symptom of Porn Addiction
    There are thousands of articles on the internet regarding the causes of depression. This text is going to be different, as it should offer a more NoFap-esque perspective on the matter. Problems ...
  • How I Passed All 6 NoFap Stages
    This post should serve as an addition to the timeline post, which is recommended reading for everyone starting the NoFap challenge. While that post gives a brief introduction into the necessity ...
  • 16 Ways to Stop Watching Porn
    What was once a minority of people is slowly becoming a majority. Ever since the internet gained traction in the late 90s, porn usage has been on the rise; The world was ...
  • What Does PMO Mean?
    Not being a part of the PMO lifestyle is the freedom to choose your own destiny. The term “PMO” is an often repeated term in the NoFap community. That is why everyone ...
  • 3 Horrible Side-Effects of Chronic Masturbation
    I had to do a bit of informative reading before beginning the first paragraph of this article. And a creepy thing happened. The first text that popped out on my desktop was ...
  • My Daily (90+ Days) NoFap Timeline
    Many guys on the NoFap journey become curious about what’s going to happen to them during the next several days and weeks of the NoFap timeline. First of all; the bad ...
  • Masturbation, Testosterone and Muscle Gain: The Hidden Link
    Many guys begin their NoFap journey with a severe handicap in the testosterone department. Although this website is as pro-testosterone and pro-NoFap as possible, there are some things that I cannot ...
  • Chronic Masturbation Can Lead to Anxiety
    Social anxiety is a type of temporary psychological disorder that affects people that have a lack of exposure to social situations. You see, keeping yourself busy with social obligations and learning ...
  • NoFap Hard Mode is the Best Mode
    There has been a debate in the NoFap community about whether one should do NoFap hard mode or NoFap easy mode. The answer is not as simple as it sounds. Most people ...
  • How Long Does Porn Withdrawal Last?
    One of the biggest myths about porn withdrawal is that it is supposed to last for 90 days. Nothing could be further from the truth. Does Porn Withdrawal Have to Last For ...
  • The Evils of Edging to Porn
    What is edging? How is life on the bleeding edge? The answer: pretty bad. Here’s What Edging During NoFap Means: Edging is the practice of stimulating your genitals with or without watching pornography. According to ...
  • Solve Life’s Mysteries with Sexual Deprivation
    Sexual Deprivation aka Sexual Anorexia Sexual deprivation, also better known as the “act of sexual abstinence” has its roots in most modern religions. Today, however, we are not going to discuss sexual ...
  • You Don’t Know How Attractive You Are
    Here you are, sitting alone, looking at a computer screen. You might have believed that you’ve reached an equilibrium between what you want out of life, and what life has to ...
  • 7 Secret Semen Retention Benefits
    Semen retention is NoFap’s second cousin. The two concepts are closely related, and you are going to miss out on a lot of benefits if you don’t do semen retention after ...
  • The Benefits and Side-Effects of the NoFap Counter
    If you’ve been over at the NoFap Reddit group, you’ve no doubtlessly noticed that many users have a daily counter right after their usernames. Why is that? Well for starters, it’s a ...
  • Does Masturbation Cause Hair Loss (2020 Edition)?
    If you’ve done any amount of reading on the subject of hair loss and hair growth, you’ve probably read that one of the main factors that cause hair loss is ...
  • Facts About Porn Relapse & Recovery Guide
    Relapsing during NoFap is a fact of life. It is not a question of if you are going to relapse, but when you are going to relapse. ^ This is not actually ...
  • Sexual Exhaustion: Symptoms and Recovery
    Sexual exhaustion is a type of problem that is not visible to a lot of people on first sight. There are multiple reasons for this (none of which are scientifically proven, ...
  • Confident People Don’t Masturbate
    Just as we can think of depression through the NoFap perspective, we can do the same with confidence. This article is going to serve as an overview of what happens to your confidence ...