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Struggling with motivation issues while doing the NoFap 90-day challenge?
Well let me tell you, you are not trying to get motivated in order to feel better about yourself.
Getting rid of your addictions, getting your lifestyle and health in check, and becoming a person that other people are attracted to is the only single thing that matters.
If you are struggling to satisfy any of your basic needs, then the only thing I want you to think in the morning is how to solve this problem.
NoFap is not going to be something that you dabble in.
You are going to be motivated to do the best you can while on the NoFap challenge, primarily because this should be the struggle of your life.
Yes, you are going to focus on school, college, work, etc. But you are also going to focus on being the best, most presentable version of yourself.
You need a single thought in your mind in order to stay motivated:
Think about all the great pleasures and successes in life you are going to miss out on if you continue to be a “fapper.”
Think about some lovely girl that is never going to give you the time of day.
Think about the six-figure job you are never going to qualify for.
Think about the fun times you can have with your friends if you can become the type of man that can accomplish anything.
Because at the end of the day, you are doing NoFap for yourself, and you are doing it because you are hungry.
You want to stop missing out on the real pleasures of life. Life is not about drinking diet soda and sitting on your computer. All secondary symptoms that you may be having – social anxiety, general anxiety, feeling lonely and procrastinating is because you are not happy with the way your life is working out.
Trust me – if you were happy with how things are, you are never going to feel anxious.
If you were happy, you could be in a room with a hundred strangers, and you could talk to any of them.
Just think about the first image in this article when you feel the urge to relapse. When you are not sure if you are doing the right thing. And then think of Brad Pitt in Fight Club.
Yes, it is completely possible to suffer from a lack of motivation while doing NoFap – especially at the beginning stages.
The reason why is that the process of desensitization requires time in order to work. Don’t worry though, desensitization doesn’t take long.
The best thing about NoFap and motivation is the fact that once you pass the flatline, your motivation and happiness levels are going to be a magnitude better than they previously were.
Your body was not designed to be masturbated upon on a daily basis.
You are not a jerking machine.
Once you start living in tune with how nature intended things to work, you’ll feel much better.
You’ll become more productive at work.
You’ll become more social.
And yes, you will get your motivation back – just lot’s more of it.
The best NoFap motivation quote is one I found on Reddit by mistake.
The quote said: “A real man wouldn’t f**k himself like that” – by Legend Grandpa.
The Reddit post seems to have been now deleted, but it was basically a story about what a grandfather told his nephew. When asked how did he stay strong and energetic despite reaching old age, he answered that he never masturbated. Only weak men masturbated.
He said that a real man would never have sex with himself, which you must admit, makes sense.
Masturbation is having sex with yourself, and that feels wrong on so many levels.
If you feel like you have zero motivation while doing NoFap – don’t worry.
If you are able to get out of bed and search on Google for why you have zero motivation, then all is well with you.
You can of course also Google from your bed while on your phone, but that also requires energy, which means you are OK.
The reason you have zero motivation is because your brain is rewiring itself, and that process needs time and dedication.
You also need to not relapse, as that would restart the process.
After three weeks, you’ll feel much better, so focus on that.
Always think of the positive aspect when you are struggling with obstacles, as that’s the only thing that can help you push things through.
Relapsing can cause a variety of complications, including entering the flatline again and suffering from a lack of motivation.
As answered in the previous questions in this post, a lack of motivation is only a temporary part of NoFap.
If you relapse, and then feel bad about it, think of it as a learning experience. You’ll have a lack of motivation for a few days, but after that, things are going to start to pick up for you again.
However, you’ll be able to remember those few days of pain, and hopefully, they are going to stop you from relapsing next time around.
The motivation NoFap can offer you is second to none of all other possible types of motivations.
People have lost over a hundred pounds of weight because of NoFap motivation.
Others have found fulfilling jobs and started their careers.
Some guys get girlfriends or lose their virginity.
Anything becomes possible when you get the energy boost from NoFap.
Seriously, nothing feels like it.
There is one caveat though.
You have to be otherwise healthy in order to get the most out of NoFap.
This means that you should focus during the first 3-4 weeks of NoFap (when flatline and depressive episodes hit the most) to begin living a healthier lifestyle.
You are already aware of all the bad habits you have, so focus on removing them.
Some guys enjoy their NoFap motivation so much that they worry that the effects may just be temporary and they are going to eventually stop feeling them.
This is not true.
It is possible to feel slightly less motivation after a few months of NoFap, and that is normal.
If you have been a chronic masturbator for most of your life, you are going to be crazily motivated after starting NoFap.
But that kind of motivation is not sustainable by your body, which is why things must balance out.
Although your motivation will balance itself, the end result is still going to be great: You’ll finish NoFap feeling much better than before doing NoFap.
There is only a single possible way to regain your motivation levels after relapsing on NoFap: Stop your relapse cycle, and restart the NoFap 90-day challenge.
If you have relapsed, that means that something has triggered you.
Become aware of your porn and masturbation triggers, and try to remove them from your life so that they don’t tempt you again.
The shorter your relapse lasts, the faster you’ll regain your motivation levels.
View Comments
I found through researching some anecdotal evidence that if you relapse your streak doesn’t start over it just hinders you’re progress and it’ll take a few days to get back to where you started
Does that mean watching erotic images on social media is relapse? Even without masturbating